Potential Marketing Opportunity On Facebook
Can Facebook bring in leads for your business? The answer is a definitive yes. Facebook is the most powerful social media network in the digital world. It’s where your potential customers are found. Not only will it enable you to find them, it will also enable you to target and engage them.
Plus, most businesses are using it every day. However, to turn your Facebook business page into a marketing tool, you need to have a clear social media strategy in place.
Here are some techniques to grow a larger following on Facebook:
- Post every day. It may sound too much to you but as your audience starts to like more pages, the chance of your post getting noticed becomes slim. If you are only posting once or twice a week then it will definitely affect your Facebook presence. Make it a habit to post at least 3-5 times a day to keep your audience updated.
- Focus on engagement. Asking questions, posting helpful tips and linking important updates from your website are some of the things you can do to connect with your audience. In fact, posting relevant content in Facebook creates a strong community and deeper audience relationship — which makes selling, only a by-product of that relationship.
- Have a call to action. Do not be shy to ask people to “Like” or comment on your posts. If you have an upcoming webinar, tell them to go to your website and register there.
- Don’t oversell or undersell. The key is to focus more on quality content rather than sales pitches. If you decide to post six times a week, five posts should be intended to educate and entertain your audience and the remaining post will be for a sales message.
- Make it fun. No one wants a boring Facebook page. Try to add color to your value proposition. Offer exclusive deals in the form of games. Do what is necessary to entertain your audience. Remember, people aren’t on Facebook to purchase; they are mostly there to have fun.
The key to harnessing the power of Facebook as a marketing tool is customer engagement. Find out how your Facebook business page can best serve your potential customers. Make them happy by taking Facebook customer engagement to a whole new level.