Social Media Marketing – Tips On How to Minimize Your Social Media Bounce Rate

Social Media

Have you unintentionally created a social media labyrinth?

Social media marketing is no longer an untapped marketing channel. In fact, most businesses today integrate social media into their existing business strategies such as web, email and traditional marketing.
However, most online marketers still fail to see the importance of social media links and the direction they point to. This social media blunder has cost some businesses their online brand identities and many potential customers.

With that said, here are some tips on how to minimize your social media bounce rate:

Choose your Platform

Of course, there are a lot of social media networks out there, plenty for you to get lost in. It is best to choose a couple of social media sites that work for your company’s marketing goals. They key here is to focus on the social media sites where your target audience is likely to socialize. You may start creating a business page on popular networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

Be consistent with your social media branding

Top companies spend millions of dollars in marketing and advertising each year for their branding. Even social media sites have created branding sections for you to present your company logo, image and other important aspects of your brand.

Engage Your Audience

The whole point of having a social media account is to engage your audience. If you are not prepared to interact with your audience, then you might as well close your account. Though remember, in the social media world interaction is a must. Make sure to post entertaining topics that will encourage group conversations.

Say No to Social Media Spamming

Since most social networking sites do not moderate unwanted messages, you will have to take the initiative for the benefit of your audience. Delete those ‘spammy’ posts that prevent your relevant messages from getting noticed by the audience.

Do you wish to see your social media bounce rate go from top to bottom? Visit us today at and see how an optimized social media page can benefit your business.

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